Dusky Valleys' was cancelled, so I never got to pop my endurance racing solo cherry. I did manage to complete the Cardiff 10k run in a pleasingly-not-rubbish time of 53 minutes though, which was nice. Heading off to the Real Ale Wobble in a couple of weeks, which is going to be awesome, and then the Strathpuffer again in January, hopefully this time with working lungs.
More importantly than all of that though, I treated myself to a new 29er frame. The Felt Nine Solo frame (which has done many thousands of miles) was making various alarming creaking noises and the rear wheel wasn't sitting straight in the rear triangle any more, so it was retired from active service and replaced with a lovely new Salsa El Mariachi frame - steel tubing and swinging dropouts to tension the chain. Only had a few rides on it so far, and I'm still dialling the fit in, but it's riding very nicely so far.
Some random pictures...
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